Sunday Telegraph - 4 STARS!!!

Mike McCahill 1st November

British Documentarist Chris Atkins' Starsuckers is an urgent deconstruction of the fame game, and sets out the tools used to get us hooked on celebrity... this is celebrity as the well groomed face of consumerism, and there's something thrilling in the way the film exposes what might once have seemed attractive as ugly in it's methods and motives. Like Michael Moore, Atkins is wholly at ease with pop culture, makes shrewd use of archive footage, and has a fondness for the revealing stunt.... There's unbridled rage at the hijacking of the Make Poverty History campaign by the self promoting stars of Live8. Smuggled into cinemas by unknown distributors, rich with hidden camera footage and boldly naming names, Starsuckers looks like the work of revolutionaries: a precision skewering of a global epidemic of narcissism.